Sep 2Liked by Annie Ridout

Love this- made me emotional and reminded me to chill out as we start homeschooling!

Also, everyone else’s comments are really useful, thanks all ❤️

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Hey Carlie, have you read Naomi Fisher‘s book? I found it enlightening and refreshing and warming to read, all pretty counter to what I’d imagined homeschooling might look like. Ax

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Sep 3Liked by Annie Ridout

I haven’t but will definitely order it. I’m feeling the pressure to get it right, even though I know cognitively the ‘standard’ way doesn’t work for us, I’m conscious about providing ALL the opportunities, even though these weren’t possible during normal school 🤯🤯😂

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I love this! Over the summer my son has been hand-drawing ever more accurate money replicas and created a McDonalds in the basement—the tiny details he picks up on are incredible. I am looking forward to seeing what else we end up exploring together this year. ♥️

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So cool!

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So cool!! Would love to see a pic of the McDonald’s if poss - it sounds just gorgeous xx

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Sep 1Liked by Annie Ridout

I’ve ordered the book, and am desperate to read it and chat with you more on this. I think I’m further into burnout with F than I perhaps thought….

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You know what, that makes sense actually. The hardest times for me have been as we have entered/got deeper into burnout (but haven’t yet known). I think this book could be really interesting for you and would love to talk about it all with you once you’ve read it. It’s the only non-fiction book I have ever been able to read before bed, I just wanted to ingest it. Ax

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Sep 1Liked by Annie Ridout

We’ve just driven an hour to a mini car convention to feed our sons special interest in minis - he chatted to loads of adults, learnt some stuff about engines and got lots of creative ideas about how he’d pimp his mini. Seeing him so enthused and confident and happy is the best feeling! Bottling it as we go back to school on Tuesday (we are flexi schooling and working full time 🤯)

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Ahh! Love this, amazing! How is he feeling about going back? X

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Anxious, we really want him to be full time but it seems impossible to think about right now and we can’t afford to go part time / this year will be a big test for us all. EHCP done in draft but not feeling confident it will get us what we think we want for him and what if what we think we want also isn’t right? Then what?? Hard not to spiral isn’t it when the future is so uncertain x

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I am really enjoying these posts. I was diagnosed with dyslexia aged 21 and am fairly sure at least one of my kids is neurodivergent too. I'm a published author and my latest picture book was about being dyslexic - I'd love to write a post for you if you're interested. x

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I would love that, thank you, would you mind emailing me - annie@annieridout.com, please? What’s your book? I’d love to have a look. X

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It’s called Thunderboots! It’s published by OUP - you can watch it being read on my YouTube channel which is @naomiandjamesjones I’ll send you an email tomorrow x

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Neurodivergent Mom with neurodivergent Son here, and would very much like to contribute to this community, so let’s chat!

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I ❤️ this.

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This is exactly what we did! ( Not the magician bit, though my eldest did and still has a magic interest) It worked well for my now grown daughters before we realised that we're all neurodivergent. Love it!

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Did you take them out of school? X

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I took my eldest out of preschool, thought we'd home educate for a year as 4 was too young to go, but never looked back! Oldest went to secondary... Her choice and she knew she could come out at any time. Youngest didn't go at all till 6th form after we'd done GCSEs at home, again her choice.

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Love this…. Giving children back their power x

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Sep 1Liked by Annie Ridout

Ps LOVE how this is unfolding re:magic ✨

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What a great result! My son is Lego obsessed.

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