Thanks for writing this Annie. I can completely resonate with this. I think my full plate has tipped into burnout again. This summer has been incredibly hard. As well as being a neurodivergent family, I'm navigating mid life challenges of menopause and (very likely neurodivergent... but we cannot go there) parents and a partner with chronic illnesses. It's hard to know how much to write about it without passing on my misery! It's good to have supportive communities and I guess what I'm acknowledging here is as neurodivergent woman, I'm not only raising neurodivergence I am caring for it across generations. I know I will find time to put my oxygen mask back on and it's comforting to know that we can talk about our full plates in supportive communities.

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Thank you for sharing this, I think that within this community, there is a lot of space and scope for real talk. And also, for how we keep going, amongst it all, because - somehow - we do. You’re holding a lot. Sending love xxx

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Yes 🙌🏼 everything feels so fragile and uncertain whilst also trying to hold it together as you are their bellwether of some sorts AND trying to find the positives and perspective just all of it all of the time 🫠🥰

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‘all of it all of the time’ - exactly

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