Jul 19Liked by Annie Ridout

So pleased you’ve started this Substack x we are reaching the end of a term where we have flexi schooled. We don’t have our ehcp yet and unsure what the future looks like too. But the calmness that has come back to our lives is giving us a tiny bit of space we need to think about it all.

We love a forest school setting here too - if only this was something more universally recognised and invested in x

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Calmness and space…. So important in order to think clearly x

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We've spent nearly £3k since Feb funding alternative provision to our autistic 9 year old who crashed out of school at the end of last year. I'm not sure how long we can continue. I have tried and tried to get the LA to do its duty of care and provide an alternative provision - I'll keep trying until we get what we are entitled to, but what a ride - raising neurodivergence is another job in the current system, a job in addition to your actual job you are trying to do (whilst your child is at home) to fund all the things they need as you have zero support. All the feels thanks for sharing Annie. Raising awareness around our experiences is key.

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