Jul 31Liked by Annie Ridout

This is so helpful- thank you so much! I have a product based business and am wanting to grow so I can afford to send my ND son to Forrest school.

Going to start getting some emails prepped for gift guides 😆❤️

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Oh I'm so pleased. Your message made me really happy. Now is a good time to pitch for Christmas gift guides in magazines x

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That’s lovely, Annie 🩷 Have you thought about setting up a charity/foundation?

Anything I can do to help promote this, count me in xxx

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Thank you Mara. I have thought about that but I think that for now, keeping it small and reader-funded feels most manageable. But I have an open mind about the future... and would love to support more ND families, so we'll see... Ax

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(*this: this work—supporting ND families)

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Thank you for this advice.

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You are very welcome.

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Solid advice, thank you!

One of my first pitches was to the Guardian, around 20 years ago. Editor basically said good article and asked if I was freelance for standard rates. I didn't know what he meant, so I wrote an essay back and didn't hear from him again.

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