Welcome to Raising Neurodivergence.

I’m Annie Ridout.

Author, journalist, coach and mother-of-three, one of whom is neurodivergent.

I’ve spent the past 15 years as a freelance journalist, writing for local and national press (Guardian, Telegraph etc), as well as women’s magazines (Grazia, Stylist, Red).

And I’ve had three books published: The Freelance Mum, Shy and Raise your SQ.

Now, I’m writing personal essays over on my other Substack, poetry and prose passage on Instagram and I’m working on a novel.

While caring for my neurodivergent son full-time, as he’s not able to attend school at the moment, and my other two children.

There’s more about me and my work on my personal Substack.

Raising Neurodivergence

What I’ve found, as the mother to a neurodivergent child, is that I’m drawn to:

  • Personal (relatable) stories from other parents of neurodivergent children.

  • Q&As/interviews with neurodivergent thinkers.

  • Resources (books, social media accounts to follow).

  • Community.

I’ve cobbled together my own selection of the above and I’m part of some amazing groups but I wanted to bring everything together in one place.

So that’s what this is:

A space for parents to share personal stories, read Q&As and attend online workshops. Plus, find resources for further reading/listening/watching.

If you’d like to share your story, please get in touch: annie@annieridout.com.

Why subscribe?

Subscribe to get full access to the essays, Q&As, workshops and publication archives.

What does it cost?

Everything here will be free to read and access.

All I ask is that if you are able to contribute a small monthly fee, you do that here, as it will enable me to keep going.

Or, you can contribute a one-off donation here: ko-fi.com/raisingneurodivergence.

Another way you can support is by sharing this with others who may find it useful…


Join the community

Be part of a community of people who are in a similar boat. Participate in the comments section, or support this work with a subscription.

Subscribe to Raising Neurodivergence

Personal stories, Q&As with neurodivergent thinkers and resources for parents of neurodivergent children (including tips for working from home). A supportive, welcoming and neuroaffirming online space.


I'm a non-fiction author, journalist for nationals and women's magazines, a sometimes-viral poet, Sunday Times-bestselling ghostwriter and an online entrepreneur. Plus, I coach women looking to do any of the above.